CAR-PGa NEWSLETTER, Vol. 33, No. 9, September 2024

An international network of researchers into all aspects of role-playing games

David Millians, Editor

Paideia School, 1509 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30307 USA


Hi All,

My kids just went back to school the day I’m writing this, so that’s a sign that summer’s truly over. I managed to squeeze in our aforementioned anniversary cruise as well as camping in Maine and even a barbecue before school started. But now that we’re back, it’s also a sign that our virtual panels resume. In September, we’ll be chatting with Garry Harper of Role-Play Haven about the Young Dragons Project and the Role Together Charity. I’m looking forward to chatting with Garry.

We also have a new addition to our historical files. Thanks to Jason Hudgins, we have another newsletter, this one from August 1994. It features an update on Steve Jackson Games’ struggles with governments (including both the U.S. and Sweden), and an overview of then nascent UseNet and its wide-ranging threads discussing tabletop role-playing games. A real blast from the past, thank you Jason for sharing!

In other news, we’ve gotten a preview of what the new version of Dungeons & Dragons is like, and judging from the monsters alone, it’s definitely a new “half-edition.” I’ve already started updating my products to the new format (with some major changes like monsters being proficient in initiative, among other things) by labeling them as 5.5. I suspect I won’t be the only one.

Reentry into our regular rhythms, including gaming rhythms, can be rough. The busy season also means that unfortunately my gaming group is on hiatus as we camped, hosted barbecues, and celebrated birthdays. I look forward to getting back into a weekly rhythm with my gaming group … and back to hosting our monthly panels!

See you soon.


Mike Tresca



This is a compilation of articles and other resources that have come to the editor’s attention over the last month. Everyone is welcome to send bibliographic information about anything you discover that fits the mission of CAR-PGa and this newsletter.

Barkley, Lillians, Anderson Cooper, Lev Grossman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Matthew Mercer, and Ally Beardsley (2024 Jul 31) For Dungeons & Dragons, the magic is in the memories. Emotional connections from the seventies to today. Letters to the Editor in response.

Bristol, Rory (2024 Jul 31) How to Play Trans and Nonbinary Characters in Dungeons and Dragons. Options, ideas, and the many species that inhabit the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons.

Campbell, Steph (2024 Aug 1) This month in children’s RPGs with Family Fantasy RPG and TTRPGkids – Summer TTRPGs. Outdoor fun.

Campbell, Steph (2024 Aug 5) Tabletop RPG Classroom: In-Game Chemistry Experiments for Elementary School Kids. Goals, designs, and examples for science fun with kids.

Campbell, Steph (2024 Aug 8) TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, Episode 15: Breakdown of Inspirisles as an EDU TTRPG. Crafting game plans for education with Inspirisles.

Campbell, Steph (2024 Aug 12) Tips and Tricks: DIY Area of Effect Aide for TTRPGs + Geometry Lesson for Young Kids. Building tools to explore shapes in game.

Campbell, Steph (2024 Aug 15) Review of Penelope Half-Pint Makes a Friend. Book based on character from games and videos.

Campbell, Steph (2024 Aug 19) Learning to learn through TTRPGs. Challenging, focused, meaningful fun makes great learning possible.

Campbell, Steph (2024 Aug 26) Tabletop RPG Classroom: In-Game Chemistry Experiments for Middle School Kids. Principles, development, and examples.

Carter, Chase (2024 Aug 12) Wizards of the Coast’s Latest AI Experiment Isn’t Sexy, But We Should Still Pay Attention. Will this benefit anyone other than corporation and AI promoters?

Cho, Winston (2024 Aug 13) Artists Score Major Win in Copyright Case Against AI Art Generators. Case moves forward to protect creators from unbounded AI development.

Codega, Lin (2024 Aug 7) The X-Card was created because Dave didn’t like the vibe. Origin and development of a safety tool.

Codega, Lin (2024 Aug 16) Blog It And They Will Come. Industry and company news and plans.

darjr (2024 Aug 23) D&D 50th Anniversary Gets A TIME Magazine Special Edition. Not yet available.

Davis, Adam (2024 Aug 30) Game to Grow Partners with Washington State Libraries to Foster Community Through Tabletop Gaming. Training librarians to create inclusive game environments.

Delaney, Alex (204 Jul 25) Kobold Press 5E books used in games played for mental health benefit. Community and personal benefits supported by game companies.

Fidrocki, Meredith (2024 July) Dungeons, Dragons & Diversity. New college course explores identity and ethnicity through play.

Gandy, George (2024 Aug 22) Strong Museum shares details on ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ exhibit. Runs September 21, 2024, until January 2025. Original museum announcement.

Girdwood, Andrew (2024 Aug 7) Fantasy maps: This Redditor is transforming our world. HighestZociety maps the real world as fantasy.

Girdwood, Andrew (2024 Aug 20) Secret Level: Love, Death + Robots team do D&D & Warhammer series. Amazon animated series based on games.

Girdwood, Andrew (2024 Aug 27) D&D playing potato wins design award. Lays potato chips team with D&D to create an award-winning presentation.

Grebey, James (2024 Jan) How To Get Your Kids Into Dungeons & Dragons Without Worrying About The Rules. Review of the Dungeons & Dragons Young Adventurers Guides and interview with e authors.

Griepp, Milton (2024 Aug 15) Asmodee, Dark Horse Parent Shows Loss on Lower Sales. Weakening sales in Europe but growing in the USA.

Harmony Ginger (2024 Aug 19) What is it like to play Dungeons & Dragons in Prison? Ft. Keith Davis. Video interview with Keith Davis about learning about and playing D&D in prison.

Higuera, Diego (2024 Jul 27) SDCC ’24: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS celebrates 50 years. Diego Comic-Con panel with reflections from Anjali Bhimani, Kailey Bray, Luke Gygax, Jim Zub, and Matt Forbeck.

Hisham, Khairul (2024 Aug 27) Year Zero Mini with the Faculty. Supporting business school teachers.

Hoffler, Christian (2024 Aug 31) Dungeons & Dragons Comes to Universal Studios Hollywood in 2025. Fan Fest Night event planned amongst Back to the Future and Star Trek.

Janoski, Melissa (2024 Aug 24) Goblin Alchemy Dungeon at the Ritz offers mead in Dungeons & Dragons-themed atmosphere. Mead and wine bar with games, ax-throwing, and dungeon atmosphere.

Kibernick (2024 Aug 12) Why you should make your team play a role-playing game. Communicating and cooperating in RPGs for teambuilding.

Kornelsen, Levi (2024 Aug 22) On Proceduralization. Formality of game procedures and play.

Lagatta, Eric (2024 Aug 30) Fantasy author Brandon Sanderson breaks another Kickstarter record with Cosmere RPG. Largest game-funding project thus far.

Lorentsen, Daniel King (2024 Aug 6) The Internet Is Dying and So Is Declining participation and the spread of AI.

Maliszewski, James (2024 Aug 14) Retrospective: Temple of Apshai. One of the earliest computer game dungeon craws.

Maliszewski, James (2024 Aug 17) You’re a Player of Role-Playing Games. Insightful language about RPGS during the early development and transition of computer adventure games.

Morrissey, Russ (2024 Aug 4) D&D Player’s Handbook Video Redactions & Takedowns. Wizards of the Coast challenges review contents.

Morrissey, Russ (2024 Aug 5) Congratulations to the 2024 ENNIE Award Winners. Recognition across many categories.

Morrissey, Russ (2024 Aug 23) Paizo Reverses Course, Re-Instates Community Use Policy. Moderating fan content.

Morrissey, Russ (2024 Aug 23) D&D Hiring New Game Designer Months After Firing Many. Corporate ups and downs.

Morrissey, Russ (2024 Aug 28) Traveller Creator Marc Miller Passes Ownership To Mongoose. Planning for the future of a game.

Mott, Darryl (2024 Jul 31) 2024 Diana Jones Award Goes to United Paizo Workers. First RPG labor union receives acclaim. More details from Chase Carter.

Mott, Darryl (2024 Aug 26) Wizards of the Coast Backtracks on D&D Beyond and 2014 Content. Fans protested plans to limit access to older, free material.

Murphy, Quinn (2024 Aug 22) A Worthy Waste. Taking the time to tell stories together.

Perry, David (2024 Aug 6) Dungeons & Dragons is 50. These books show how it really got started. Review of Playing at the World, 2E, Volume 1: The Invention of Dungeons & Dragons by Jon Peterson and The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons 1970-1977 from Wizards of the Coast.

Shahid, Hamnah (2024 Aug 9) TTRPGS Are Part Of The War Machine – But They Don’t Have To Be. Society, history, culture, and the imagination of what might be.

Skeleton Code Machine (2024 Aug 13) Weight, complexity, and NASA-TLX. Engineering insights into design and play.

Sly Flourish (2024 Aug 12) Being a Good Steward of the TTRPG Hobby. Openness and humility smooth the path for others.

ten Napel, Hendrik (2024 Jul 28) How high is your bleed threshold? And what are you bleeding anyway?. Character, self, ideas, and interaction.

Tresca, Mike (2024 Aug 5) Hike Like a Hero. Adventuring in the mountains for real.

Tresca, Mike (2024 Aug 5) The Secret Life of a Background Character. AI in games and the power of a human.

Tresca, Mike (2024 Aug 12) Inspiration from Bari. Drawing on the real world for imaginative creations.

Tresca, Mike (2024 Aug 19) Inspiration from Venice. Power, water, and multifaceted celebrations.

Tresca, Mike (2024 Aug 26) Inspiration from Dubrovnik. Walled city ideas, even easier since it was a set for Game of Thrones.

Tyrrell, Caitlin (2024 Aug 8) How Dungeons & Dragons Inspired Jon Collins-Black’s Real Life Treasure Hunt. Interview with gamer and writer about his new project.

University of Plymouth (2024 Aug 27) Dungeons and Dragons Empowers Autistic Players, Study Finds. Imaginative play and social development for autistic adults.

Weldon, Glen (2024 Aug 26) Dungeons, Dragons and shoulder pads: Why I loved D&D as a closeted teen. Young, gay, and gaming in the 1970s and 1980s.

Zeoli, Rowan (2024 Aug 16) Deborah Ann Woll And Tom Cardy Clips Attract Internet Normies To D&D. Celebrities of social media and screen fame succinctly present the RPG experience.

Zeoli, Rowan (2024 Aug 19) Geek & Sundry is Back. A new streaming RPG show marks the return of one of the original developers of the medium.

© Copyright 2024 by the Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games (CAR-PGa), ISSN 1071 7129. The CAR-PGa Newsletter is a monthly publication. For more information contact David Millians, Editor, Paideia School, 1509 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30307 USA, phone (404) 808-1070, fax (404) 377-3491, email Back issues are available. Contributions of material from the membership are urged, and the byline is responsible for content. Deadline is the last weekday of the month, email preferred. Permission is granted to copy anything in the Newsletter, provided we get a credit line in the publication copying it, and it doesn’t have someone else’s copyright on it. Information, including details on joining CAR-PGa, can be obtained on the Internet at