David Millians, Editor
Paideia School, 1509 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30307 USA
Hello All,
We have a few orders of business to attend to but I’m putting all that on hold to discuss the most pressing matter at hand: staying safe.
Your health and safety matters most. Please take care of yourself and your family by practicing good hygiene and social distancing.
The COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak is an unprecedented scenario echoing some of the most dire predictions of post-apocalyptic role-playing games, but it is no joke. We’re trying to “flatten the curve” of emergency and medical visits due to the outbreak through “social distancing,” but to do that requires gamers to change their plans. I’ve shared differing views on the subject of gaming in-person on EN World.
I think the CAR-PGA has a responsibility to emphasize the safety of our all gamers, and that includes preventive measures. I’ve shared this with the board and here are our recommendations. These recommendations are made with the full acknowledgement that there is significant financial risk in canceling plans—but they must be weighed against the lives they may save:
- If you have a convention in the next two months, delay it if you can or cancel it if you can’t.
- Don’t play tabletop games with people who are outside of your immediate circle of family and friends for the next 60 days. This means that everyone must enact the same self-quarantine measures. If there is a gamer at your table who has other family that you don’t regularly interact with, then they are outside your circle and you shouldn’t play with them for the next 60 days. This means you may be limited to playing with family only for the next two months.
- Don’t play with anyone who is obviously sick. This is just a good practice for gaming in general.
- Play remotely with non-family members if you can, or six feet apart if you can’t. There are several distance gaming options, including dedicated platforms and video conferencing/chat software. Playing in person is obviously not ideal and probably only feasible if you have two players at opposite ends of a table.
- Sanitize high-touch areas like the gaming table and book covers before and after the game. COVID-19 can survive on cardboard for up to 24 hours.
- Don’t share food or drink. This means players need to bring their own food.
- Do not share dice or miniatures. COVID-19 can survive on plastic for up to 72 hours.
- Don’t share rulebooks or other materials. COVID-19 can survive on cardboard for 24 hours.
- And of course, clean everything before and after the game.
These are extreme measures taken during extreme times, but it’s worth reinforcing that when you risk sharing an infection that doesn’t appear for up to two weeks, you are risking the health of every player at your table. In light of the risk, playing our tabletop games online seems a small sacrifice to make.
Please take care of yourself and stay safe.
Committee Chair
Please, take care and stay safe everyone.
The second part of Carsten Obst’s much-enjoyed report from Spiel 2020 will be in next month’s newsletter. I’m an elementary school teacher, and the switch to online teaching is like starting a new job with summer’s worth of in-service, all in the span of a few days, so my time for the newsletter has been greatly reduced. I hope things are rolling more smoothly soon for all of us.
Play some games and have some fun!

Graphic by Mike Tresca
Bisdorf, Bob (2020 Mar 24) Using Safety Tools in Virtual Games. http://www.contessa.rocks/blog/using-safety-tools-in-virtual-games. Being mindful of others when we’re playing online.
Brown, Lloyd (2020 Mar 10) Recruiting a Whole County. https://www.rpg.net/columns/businessofgamingretail/businessofgamingretail113.phtml. Alachua County, Florida, library association requests tabletop game presentation for county-wide development.
Cowman, Ross (2015 May 16) Fall of Magic – Gaming with Kids (part 1). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-bgr-uy-PU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3wBw2kzzu8GLazTvh3-Azn3y7Nn4i-RHszX-zA5o3XJfYoGTfhvSoW2KM. Creative game session video.
Elsam, Sara (2020 Mar 13) Quests of Yore, the tabletop RPG from Pixar movie Onward, is now a real game. https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/quests-of-yore-barleys-edition-game/news/quests-of-yore-onward-rpg. Crossover game creation.
Evans, Jonathan (2020 Mar 2) Translation, Accessibility and Variation in Global Analog Gaming. http://analoggamestudies.org/2020/03/translation-accessibility-and-variation-in-global-analog-gaming/. Translation and adaptation in the transmission of games and attendant cultural practices.
Farough, Amanda (2020 Mar 17) How tabletop RPG actual play shows are inspiring a new generation of fans – and products. https://venturebeat.com/2020/03/17/how-tabletop-rpg-actual-play-shows-are-inspiring-a-new-generation-of-fans-and-products/. Changing entry points, inclusivity, intellectual property boundaries, and publication goals.
GAMA (2020 Mar 9) Avonelle Wing receives inaugural Rick Loomis Service Award. https://www.gama.org/news/news.asp?id=492063. Remembering our late elders in the present.
Macgregor, Jody (2020 Mar 13) The authors of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre were roleplaying long before Dungeons & Dragons. https://www.dicebreaker.com/categories/roleplaying-game/feature/brontes-roleplaying-before-dnd. Imaginative play that extended into adulthood.
Mitchell, Laura (2020 Mar 2) Games as Spaces of Translation. http://analoggamestudies.org/2020/03/table-talk-games-as-spaces-of-translation/. Games as culture and shared language.
Morrissey, Russ (2020 Mar 17) Critical Role Suspends Broadcasts. https://www.enworld.org/threads/critical-role-suspends-broadcasts.670992/. Covid-19 halts live filming.
Morrissey, Russ (2020 Mar 23) ICv2 Reports 23% Growth In RPGs in 2019. https://www.enworld.org/threads/icv2-reports-23-growth-in-rpgs-in-2019.671113/. $80 million industry showed strong increases and many positive factors.
Morrissey, Russ (2020 Mar 31) Game Distributors Close Down; RPG Publishers Affected. https://www.enworld.org/threads/game-distributors-closing-down-rpg-publishers-affected.671257/. The Covid-19 pandemic and economic contraction slows the hobby industry.
Nelson, Jim (2020 Mar 27) The Fantasy Books that Inspired Dungeons & Dragons. http://blog.archive.org/2020/03/27/the-fantasy-books-that-inspired-dungeons-dragons/. Appendix N makes the National Archives blog.
Reed, Bob (2020 Mar 3) Defining the Six Generations of D&D Players. http://cyclopeatron.blogspot.com/2011/03/defining-six-generations-of-d-players.html. Fromt the White Box to starting with 5E.
Boerth, Robbie (2020 Feb 13) Teaching Role-Playing Games, Part 1: The Justification. http://ludoverse.blogspot.com/2020/02/teaching-role-playing-games-part-1.html. Educational elements and the lens of ergodic literature.
Boerth, Robbie (2020 Feb 17) Teaching Role-Playing Games, Part 1:The Game Plan. http://ludoverse.blogspot.com/2020/02/robin-laws-has-appropriately-called.html. Presenting role playing to novices and getting them ready to play.
Boerth, Robbie (2020 ) Teaching Role-Playing Games, Part 2: The Debrief. http://ludoverse.blogspot.com/2020/03/teaching-role-playing-games-part-3.html. Lessons learned by students and teacher for critical reading, time management, safety tools, social and emotional learning, and collaboration.
Tiffany, Kaitlyn (2020 Mar 5) A Chart to Explain Your Entire Worldview. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/03/alignment-chart-memes-moral-worldview-fantasy/607561/. The simple nine-box Alignment grid that launched a thousand memes.
Uribe-Jongbloed, Enrique (2020 Mar 2) Playing with Translation: Translanguaging Role-Playing Games in Colombia in the 1990s. http://analoggamestudies.org/2020/03/playing-with-translation-translanguaging-role-playing-games-in-colombia-in-the-1990s/. Cultural capital, privilege, culture, and language in RPG learning and play.
Ward, James (2020 Mar 10) The Naming of Names: Metamorphosis Alpha, Boot Hill, & Gangbusters. https://www.enworld.org/threads/the-naming-of-names-metamorphosis-alpha-boot-hill-gangbusters.669414/. Capturing the spirit of a game in a few prominent words.
Whitten, Sarah (2020 Mar 14) How Critical Role helped spark a Dungeons & Dragons renaissance. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/14/critical-role-helped-spark-a-dungeons-dragons-renaissance.html. Opening more eyes to tabletop role playing.
Tresca, Mike (2020 Mar 9) Rise of the Artificial Game Master. https://www.enworld.org/threads/rise-of-the-artificial-game-master.670248/. AI in computer role playing games.
Tresca, Mike (2020 Mar 16) When Pandemic Isn’t Just a Game. https://www.enworld.org/threads/when-pandemic-isnt-just-a-game.670892/. Predicted effects of Covid-19 on the professional, social, and personal elements of gaming.
Editor’s Note: Obviously, most or all of these events are delayed or canceled, and Paul and other contributors will update this Calendar when more information is once again available. Below is the same listing that appeared in the March newsletter, copied for reference, but keep in mind that the dates are no longer firm.
New listings this month were provided by Paul Cardwell, others are urged to submit information. If you attend a convention, be sure and check the conventions table and let us have a copy of the fliers (or at very least the when, what, where, and contact information) for upcoming conventions available there. CAR-PGa is international, so this includes anywhere in the world.
Dates, precise venue, contacts’ URLs or phone numbers, and other information, where missing from this list, would be particularly appreciated.
“[LARP]” means only LARP events as many RPG cons include at least some LARP, as likewise applies to the mention of specific game systems. The same bracketed information applies as well to game systems when the con will have only those games present.
In an attempt to get more face-to-face meetings of the membership, we list who will be going to what convention, if they will tell us. Get this type of information in at least two months before the convention itself, so we can run it at least once. Support your local cons by helping in the staff. It is a good way to promote RPG and you generally get in free for the brief time spent helping.
A review of any attended convention afterwards for the Newsletter would be appreciated too. These reviews should include demographic data such as attendance, percentage male/female, white/ethnic minorities (or what- ever is the majority/white/others), games in addition to tabletop RPG, and more subjective matters such as unusual events, quality of games and dealers’ room, encouragement of new gamers, and whatever seems worth reporting. We need to work to restore CAR-PGa’s reputation as the media’s go-to on gamer demographics, especially since the media are still citing a study that cut off all those over 35 – at a time when that was the median age of gamers – it is closer to 40 now – which indicates we also need to work on recruiting younger players, although some increase in college age players at conventions has been noted.
Conventions are currently being compiled by archivist Paul Cardwell, 1127 Cedar, Bonham, TX 75418 or plcardwell@gmail.com, so send them there.
April 2020
- 2-4: Eve Fanfest, Harpa, Reykjavik; https://www.eveonline.com/fanfest
- 2-5: Ambercon, Embassy Suites Detroit-Livonia, 19525 Victor Pkwy, Livonia, MI; https://ambercon.com/ [Amber diceless only]
- 2-5: Tekko, Lawrence Conventioner, Pittsburgh, PA; https://tekko.us/
- 3-5: 221B Con, Atlanta Airport Marriott, 4711 Best Rd, Atlanta, GA; http://221bcon.com/ [Sherlock Holmes]
- 3-5: CodCon, Turner Conference Center, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL; https://www.codcon.com/
- 3-5: Conpulsion, Teviot Row Student Union, Bristol Square, Edinburgh; http://conpulsion.org/
- 3-5: CyPhaCon, Lake Charles Civic Center, Lake Charles, LA; http://www.cyphacon.org/
- 3-5: FnordCon, Omni Southpark, Austin, TX; http://www.sjgames.com/fnordcon/
- 3-5: Gryphcon, University Centre, University of Guelph, 158-50 Stone Rd. E, Guelph, ON; http://gryphcon.org/
- 3-5: Heliosphere, Doubletree, Tarrytown, NY; http://www.heliosphereny.org/
- 3-5: Midwest Gaming Classic, Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee, WI; https://www.midwestgamingclassic.com/
- 3-5: Play, Viale Virgllio 58, Modena; https://2020.play-modena.it/
- 3-5: Simcon, Douglass Ballroom, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; http://boardgameconventions.com/events/simcon/
- 3-5: Vaticon, UCD Student Centre, Dublin, Ireland; https://cons.ie/event/vaticon/
- 4-5: Mag Con, NCISD Annex, 22500 Eagle Dr, New Caney,, TX; https://www.magcon.org/
- 4-5: Seven Hills, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Rd, Sheffield, S Yorks; https://7hills.org.uk/
- 4-5: Zuiderspel, NH Koningshof, Locht 117, Veldhoven, Netherlands; http://www.zuiderspel.nl/
- 7: DevaCon, Crowne Plaza, Trinity St, Chester; https://devaconblog.wordpress.com/
- 8-12: The Gathering, Vikingskipet, Hamar, Norway; https://www.gathering.org/tg20/
- 8-13: Fastaval, Mariagerfjord Gymnasium, Amerikavej 5, Hobro, Aarhus; http://fastaval.dk/
- 9-12: Norwescon, Doubletree Seattle Airport, 18740 International Blvd, SeaTac, WA; http://www.norwescon.org/
- 10-12: Anime Boston, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA; http://animeboston.com/
- 10-12: Conglomeration, Crowne Plaza, 830 Phillips Ln, Louisville, KY; http://www.conglomeration.info/
- 10-12: Concentric, Hotel Metropole, Birmingham; https://www.concentric2020.uk/
- 10-12: Conquest, Melbourne High School, Forest St, South Yarra, Melbourne, Vic; https://www.conquest.asn.au/
- 10-12: GothCon, äldsta spelknvent, Göteborg; https://gothcon.se/cms/
- 10-12: JohnCon, Levering Hall, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD: https://pages.jh.edu/~johncon/
- 10-12: Marmalade Dog, Bernhard Center, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michi Kalamazoo, MI: https://marmaladedog.org/
- 10-12: MTAC, Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TN; http://mtac.net/
- 10-12: Sakura-Con, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA; http://sakuracon.org/
- 10-12: Who’s Yer Con, Wyndham Indianapolis West, Indianapolis, IN; https://whosyergamers.org/
- 10-12: Wondercon, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim CA; https://www.comic-con.org/wca
- 10-13: EyeCon, St Scolastica’s College, 4 Avenue Rd, Glebe, NSW; http://www.sydcon.info/
- 10-13: Insomnia; NRC, Birmingham; https://insomniagamingfestival.com/
- 13-20: Swordcraft Quest, Western Oval, Park St, Melbourne, Vic; https://swordcraft.com.au/ [LARP]
- 16: Spiel mit den Wölfen, Stadtmission Wolfsburg, Mühlenpfad 2, Wolfsburg; http://xn--spiel-mit-den-wlfen-46b.de/
- 16-19: MegaCon, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL; https://www.megaconorlando.com/en/home.html
- 16-19: Nordic Game Jam, KADK, Copenhagen; https://www.nordicgamejam.com/
- 17-18: DayCon, Shelter Community Church, 1440 E Dorothy Ln, Kettering, OH; https://www.daycongaming.com/
- 17-19: Cape Comic Con, Osage Center, 1625 N Kingshighway, Cape Giradieu, MO; https://cape-con.com/
- 17-19: Constellation, Cornhusker Hotel, 333 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE: https://www.facebook.com/ConStellation-Nebraska-442296662580619/
- 17-19: JordanCon, Crowne Plaza Atlanta, Perimeter Center Pkwy at Ravinia, Atlanta, GA; http://jordancon.org/
- 17-19: No Brand Con, ChulaVista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI; http://www.nobrandcon.org/p/
- 17-19: Protospiel, Best Western Plus, 5105 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee WI; http://protospiel-milwaukee.org/
- 17-19: Salon du Jeu, Pleaaé, Pays de la Loire, France; http://salondujeu.venez.fr/
- 17-19: Sci-fi on the Rock, Sheraton Newfoundland, 115 Cavendish Square, St. Johns, NF; https://scifiontherock.com/
- 18-19: BrisCon, Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, 1644 Logan Rd, Mount Gravatt, Qld; http://www.briscon.com.au/
- 18-19: Cheyenne Gaming Convention, Red Lion Inn, Cheyenne, WY; http://cheyennegamingconvention.com/
- 18-19: LuxCon, Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxemburg; http://luxcon.lu/
- 18-19: Gamer’s Equinox, McDommel St Activity Center, 577 McDonnel St, Peterborough, OH; http://phantasm.pfga.ca/
- 18-19; RahCon, Mandurah Performing Arts Centre, Ormsby Terrace Mandurah, WA; https://www.facebook.com/events/853034601739809/
- 23-26: Calgary Expo, Calgary Stampede Park, Calgary, AB; https://www.calgaryexpo.com/en/home.html
- 23-26: Ice & Fire, Deer Creek State Park Lodge, Mt. Sterling, OH; http://iceandfirecon.com/
- 23-26: Recon, Days by Wyndham, 3011 Maingates Ln, Kissimmee, FL; hmgs-south.com [miniature wargaming]
- 24-26: Causeacon, Raleigh County Convention Center, Beckley, WV; http://causeacon.com/
- 24-26: Conventus Leonis, Lomder- und Jugendzentrukm Mühlel Brauunmchweig; http://conventusleonis.de/
- 24-26: Farmegeddon, Farmer City American Legion, Stensel Dr, Farmer City, IL; https://farmageddon137.com/
- 24-26: Gaming Hoopla, Doubletree, 510 E IL Route 83, Mundelein, IL; http://www.gaminghoopla.com/
- 24-26: Koboldcon, Chapel Hills Event Center, 1710 Briargate Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO; http://koboldcon.com/
- 24-26: Lexicon, Clarion Hotel, 1950 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY; https://lexicongaming.com/
- 24-26: Oz-Con, West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St, West Plains, MO; https://oz-con.com/
- 24-26: Penguicon, Westin Southfield Detroit, 1599 Town Center, Southfield, MI; https://2020.penguicon.org/
- 24-26: RavenCon, Doubletree, 50 Kingsmill Rd, Williamsburg, VA; http://www.ravencon.com/
- 24-26: UBCon, Student Union, SUNY Buffalo, NY; https://www.facebook.com/events/570150950433559/
- 25: ConTroll, Dorchester Corn Exchange, North Square, Dorchester, Dorset; http://havedice.org.uk/con-troll.html
- 25-26: Gem City Comic Con, Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, OH; http://gemcitycomiccon.com/
- 25-27: Swancon, Esplanade Hotel, 46-54 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, West Australia; https://swancon.com.au/
- 30-May 3: Frolicon, Sheraton Atlanta Downtown, Atlanta, GA; https://www.frolicon.com/index.php
May 2020
- 1-3: Ad Astra, Toronto Don Valley Hotel, 175 Wynford Dr, York,ON; http://ad-astra.org/
- 1-3: Awesome Con, Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt Vernon Pl, Washington, DC; http://awesome-con.com/
- 1-3: Buckets of Dice, University of Canterbury, Christchurch; http://saga.org.nz/
- 1-3: ChupacabraCon, Wyndam Hotel, 1209 N IH 35 North, Round Rock, TX; https://tabletop.events/conventions/chupacabracon-vii
- 1-3: Crypticon, Doubletree, 18740 International Blvd, Seattle, WA; https://crypticonseattle.com/ [horror]
- 1-3: Demicon, Holiday Inn Northwest, 4800 Meroe Hay Rd, Des Moines, IA; https://demicon.org/31/
- 1-3: Furry Down Under, Mantra on View, 22 View Ave, Surfers Paradise, QL; https://furdu.com.au/
- 1-3: Hydra, Brookfield Scout Camp, Rd 1 562 Moore Valley Rd., Wainuiomata, Wellington, NZ; https://hydra-larps.nz/ [LARP]
- 1-3: San Marino Game Convention, Palace Hotel, San Marino; http://sanmarinogame.com/
- 1-3; Starfest, Marriott DTC, 4900 S Syracuse St, Denver, CO; https://starfestdenver.com/
- 1-3: VisionCon, Springfield Expo Center, 635 E St. Louis St, Springfield, MO; https://visioncon.net/
- 2-3 Chaosium Con Down Under, Glebe Town Hall, Sydney NSW Australia; https://chaosconventions.com/chaosium-con-down-under
- 2-3: Emporium of the Weird, Oddmall, Akron, OH; https://www.oddmall.info/emporium-of-the-weird/ [Free Admission]
- 7-10: Continuum, John Foster Hall, Stamford Court, Manor Rd, Leicester University, Oadby; https://continuumconvention.co.uk/
- 7-11: Furry Atlanta, Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA; https://www.furryweekend.com/
- 8-10: Florida Supercon, Miami Beach Convention Center, 1901 Convention Center Dr, Miami, FL; https://www.floridasupercon.com/
- 8-10: Marcon, Crowne Plaza Columbus North, Worthington, OH; http://marcon.org/
- 8-10: Pyrkon, Miedzynardowe Targi, Poznan, Poland; https://pyrkon.pl/
- 8-10: Sferakon, Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Computing, Unska 3, Zagreb, Croatia; http://sferakon.org/
- 8-12: Historicon, Lancaster County Convention Center, 25 S Queen St, Lancaster, PA; https://www.hmgs.org/page/HconHome
- 9-10: North Star, Garrison Hotel, 645 Penistone Rd, Sheffield, S Yorks; http://northstarcon.org.uk/
- 15-17: 1d4Con, Clarion Inn, Shepherdstow, WV; http://1d4con.com/
- 15-17: Austicon, Austin Holiday Inn, 1701 4th St NW, Austin, MN; https://tabletop.events/conventions/austi-con
- 15-17: CanGames, Rideau Curling Club, Lisgar and Percy, Ottawa; http://cangames.ca/
- 15-17: Huzzah!, Doubletree, 363 Maine Mall Rd, South Portland, ME; https://mhwa.info/?page_id=47 [mainly wargaming]
- 15-17: KawaiiKon, Hawaii Convention Center, 1801 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI; https://kawaiikon.com/
- 15-17: Keycon, Radisson Hotel, 288 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB; http://www.keycon.org/2020/
- 15-17: Motor City ComicCon, Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI; https://www.motorcitycomiccon.com/
- 16-17: MSP Comicon, MN State Fairgrounds, 1265 Snelling Ave, St. Paul, MN; https://www.mcbacomicons.com/
- 16-17: Tidewater Comicon, Virginia Beach Convention Center, Virginia Beach, VA; https://tidewatercomicon.com/
- 21-24: A-Kon, Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas, TX; https://www.a-kon.com/
- 21-24: Core Con, Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND; http://fargocorecon.org/
- 21-24: LinCon, Linköpings Universitet, Linköping, Sweden; http://lincon.se/
- 21-24: Momocon, Georgia World Congress Center, 285 Andrew Young International Blvd, Atlanta, GA; https://www.momocon.com/
- 21-24: Phoenix Fan Fusion, Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, AZ; https://phoenixfanfusion.com/
- 21-25: KublaCon, Hyatt Regency & Marriott Waterfront, San Franscisco, CA; https://www.kublacon.com/
- 22-23: Hamburger Spieletage, Hamburg Haus Eimsbüttel, Doormannsweg 12, Hamburg; http://hamburger-spieletage.de/
- 22-24: Anime North, Toronto Congress Centre, 650 Dixon Rd, Etobicoke, ON; https://www.animenorth.com/event/
- 22-24: Cherry Capital Comic Con (C4), Grand Traverse Resort, 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd, Traverse City, MI; http://cherrycapitalcon.com/
- 22-24: Comicpalooza, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX; https://www.comicpalooza.com/
- 22-24: ConQuesT, Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center, Kansas City, MO; http://conquestkc.org/
- 22-24: Thy Geekdom Con, Greater Philadelphia Expo Center at Oaks, Oaks, PA; https://www.thygeekdomcon.com/
- 22-24: UnderCon, Sheraton Crown Center, Kansas City, MO; http://www.undercongaming.com/
- 22-25: Balticon, Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace, 202 E. Pratt St, Baltimore, MD; https://www.balticon.org/wp54/
- 22-25: BayCon, San Mateo Marriott San Franscisco Airport, 1770 S Amphlett Blvd, San Mateo, CA; http://baycon.org/
- 22-25: BGG Spring, Hyatt Regency DFW Airport, 2334 N International Pkwy, DFW Airport, TX; https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2285500/unofficial-bggcon-spring-2020-links-and-resources
- 22-25: Gamex, Hilton Los Angeles Airport, 5711 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA; http://strategicon.net/
- 22-25: MediaWestCon, Ramada Inn, 7501 Saganaw Hwy, Lansing, MI; http://mediawestcon.org/
- 22-25: Miscon, Holliday Inn Missoula Downtown, Missoula, OR; https://www.miscon.org/
- 22-25: Paizocon, Doubletree Seattle Airport, 18740 International Blvd, Seattle, WA; https://paizo.com/paizocon
- 23-24: ColoniaCon, Kölner Jungendpark, Köln; https://www.coloniacon.de/
- 29-31: ConCarolinas, Hilton University Place, 8629 JM Keynes Dr, Charlotte, NC; http://concarolinas.org/
- 29-June 1: Eternal Convention, Castle Stahleck, Bacharach; https://eternal-con.de/
- 29-31: UK Game Expo, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, W.Mid; https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/
- 30: WyvaCon, Wythevile Community College, 1000 E Main St, Wytheville, VA; https://wyvacon-inc.org/
- 30-31: Flower City Comic Con, Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY; https://www.fc3roc.com/
June 2020
- 4-7: Colossalcon, Kalahari Resort, 7000 Kalahari Dr, Sandusky, OH; https://colossalcon.com
- 4-7: North Texas RPG Con, Westin DFW Airport, 4545 W Carpenter Fwy, Irving, TX; http://ntrpgcon.com/
- 5-6: SaltCon Summer, Davis Conference Center, Layton, UT; https://saltcon.com/
- 5-7: Die Con, Gateway Convention Center, Edwardsville, IL; http://www.diecon.com/Main/
- 5-7: Dream Con, Waco Convention Center, Waco, TX; https://www.dreamconvention.com/
- 5-7: Niagara Falls Comic Con, Scotiabank Convention Centre, 6815 Stanley Ave, Niagara Falls, ON; https://nfcomiccon.com/planyourvisit/
- 5-7: PrairieCon, Assiniboin Community College, 1430 Victoria Ave. E, Brandon, MB; http://www.prairiecon.com/
- 5-8: Continuum, Rydges Hotel, 7-1 Swanston St,, Carlton, Vic; http://www.continuum.org.au/
- 9: HickoryCon, Hickory Metro Convention Center, 1960 13th Ave. SE; Hickory, NC; http://www.hickorycon.com/
- 11-14: Geekway to the West, St. Charles Convention Center, St. Charles, MO; https://geekwaytothewest.com/
- 12-14: ConDamned, Cafe 2 Klavern, De Clercq Str 136, Amsterdam; http://condamned.nl/
- 12-14: NordCon, Schule beim Pachthof, beim Pachthof 15, Hamburg-Horn; https://www.nordcon.de/
- 12-14: OMGcon, Owensboro Convention Center, 501 W 2nd St, Owensboro, KY; http://omgcon.com/
- 13: SWFL SpaceCon, Araba Shrine Event Center, 2010 Hanson St, Ft. Myers, FL; https://www.swflspacecon.com/
- 13-14: Rob-Con, Meadow View Convention Center, 19001 Meadowview Pkwy, Kingsport, TN; https://www.robcon.org/
- 17-21: Origins, Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 High St, Columbus, OH; https://www.originsgamefair.com/
- 19-21: Magic City Con, Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, AL; https://www.magiccitycon.com/
- 19-21: Philadelphia Comic Con, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA; https://wizardworld.com/index.php/comiccon/philadelphia
- 19-21: PolyCon, University Union, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA; http://polycon.org/
- 25-26: Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning, Clayton Hotel, Cork City, Co. Cork, Ireland; http://www.igbl-conference.com/ [game-based learning]
- 25-28: Nexus Game Fair, Brookfield Conference Center, Milwaukee, WI; http://nexusgamefair.com/
- 25-28: PortConMaine, Doubletree Hotel, Maine Mall Rd, South Portland, ME; http://portconmaine.com/site/
- 26-28: RPC: Köln Messe, Messerplatz 1, Köln, Germany; https://www.ccxp-cologne.de/
- 26-28: Ragecon, Circus Circus, Reno, NV; http://www.ragecon.com/
- 26-28: Soonercon, Embassy Suites by Hilton, 2501 Conference Dr, Norman, OK; https://www.soonercon.com/
- 26-28: Too Many Games, Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, Oaks, PA; https://toomanygames.com/show/toomanygames2020/
- 27: Forest City Comicon, Centennial Hall, 550 Wellington St, London, ON; http://forestcitycomicon.ca/
- 27-28: Augusta Toy and Comic Show, Augusta Convention Center, Augusta, GA; https://augustatoyandcomicshow.com/
July 2020
- 2-5: Play On Con, Alabama 4-H Center, AL; http://www.playoncon.com/
- 3-5: In Con Junction, Indianapolis Marriott East, Indianapolis, IN; http://inconjunction.org/
- 3-5: RTX, Austin Convention Center, 500 E Cesar Chavez, Austin, TX; https://rtxevent.com/
- 4-5: FanCon, International Convention Centre, Cape Town, SA; http://fancon.co.za/ [some LARP]
- 4-5: Feencon, Stadthalle Bonn, Bad Godesberg, Bonn; http://feencon.de/
- 8-12: Dexcon, Morristown Hyatt, Morristown, NJ; https://dexposure.com/home.html
- 8-12: Historicon, Lancaster Convention Center, 2300 Lincoln Hwy E, Lancaster, PA; https://www.hmgs.org/page/HconHome [wargaming]
- 8-19: Festival Ludique International de Parthenay, all over Parthenay; http://www.jeux-festival.com/
- 9-12: Anime Matsui, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX; https://2020.animematsuri.com/
- 9-12: Connecticon, Hartford Marriott Downtown, 200 Columbus Blvd, Hartford, CT; http://connecticon.org/
- 10-12: Southern-Fried Gaming Expo, Marriott Renaissance Waverly, Atlanta GA; http://southernfriedgameroomexpo.com/
- 13-17: GACUCon Game Cruise. Hialeah Gardens Holiday Inn and Royal Caribbean Cruise Line
- 17-19: Berlin Brettspiel Con, Station Berlin, Luckenwalder Str 4-6, Berlin; https://hunterundcron.de/
- 17-19: CharCon, Clay Center, Charleston, WV; https://www.charcon.org/
- 17-19: Con-gregate, Downtown Marriott, Winston-Salem, NC; http://con-gregate.com/
- 17-19: KantCon, Overland Park Convention Center, 6000 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS; https://www.kantcon.com/
- 17-19: Kitsunecon, Ki Convention Center, 333 Main St, Green Bay, WI
- 17-19: Open Gaming Convention, Holiday Inn, Northeastern Blvd, Nashua, NH; http://opengamingconvention.com/ogc/
- 17-19: Sioux City Comic-Cade, Hilton Garden Inn, 1132 Larsen Park Rd, Sioux City, IA
- 17-19: Tokyo in Tulsa, Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, OK; https://www.tokyointulsa.com/
- 17-19: TwisteeLordsCon, Reed Conference Center, 5750 Will Rogers Rd, MidWest City, OK; http://twistedlordscon.com/
- 18-19: Ettin Con, Blackheath Community Centre, Great Western & Gardiner, Blackheath, NSW; https://ettincon.org/
- 18-19: MiniCon II, University of Canterbury, Christchurch; http://saga.org.nz/
- 18-19: Wintercon, Fitzroy Pavillion, Canberra, ACT; https://cgs.asn.au/
- 24-26: Dokidokon, Marriott, 2747 S 11th St, Kalamazoo, MI; https://www.dokidokon.org/
- 24-26: Mechacon, Hyatt Regency Downtown, 601 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, LA; http://www.mechacon.com/news/
- 24-26: Ropecon, Helsingin Messukeskuksessa, Helsinki, Finland; http://ropecon.fi/
- 25-August 2: World Boardgaming Championships, Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Campion, PA; http://boardgamers.org/wbcindex.html
- 28-August 2: DrachenFest, Auf dem Quast, Diemelstadt; http://drachenfest.info/ [boffer LARP]
- 31-August 2: AnimeIowa, Marriott Conf Center, Coralville, IA; https://animeiowa.com/
© Copyright 2020 by the Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games (CAR-PGa), ISSN 1071 7129. The CAR-PGa Newsletter is a monthly publication. For more information contact David Millians, Editor, Paideia School, 1509 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30307 USA, phone (404) 808-1070, fax (404) 377-3491, e-mail millians.david@paideiaschool.org. Back issues are available. Contributions of material from the membership are urged, and the byline is responsible for content. Deadline is the last weekday of the month, email preferred. Permission is granted to copy anything in the Newsletter, provided we get a credit line in the publication copying it, and it doesn’t have someone else’s copyright on it. Information, including details on joining CAR-PGa, can be obtained on the Internet at car-pga.org.