This information is current as of 03/29/20.
The COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak is an unprecedented scenario echoing some of the most dire predictions of post-apocalyptic role-playing settings, but it is no game. We’re trying to “flatten the curve” of emergency and medical visits due to the outbreak through “social distancing,” but to do that requires gamers to change their plans. To that end, the CAR-PGA board has released official guidelines on how to manage tabletop play in an era of social distancing. You should always follow local medical and regional guidance first.
- If you have a convention in the next two months, delay it if you can or cancel it if you can’t.
- Don’t play tabletop games with people who are outside of your immediate circle of family and friends for the next 60 days. This means that everyone must enact the same self-quarantine measures. If there is a gamer at your table who has other family that you don’t regularly interact with, then they are outside your circle and you shouldn’t play with them for the next 60 days. This means you may be limited to playing with family only for the next two months.
- Don’t play with anyone who is obviously sick. This is just a good practice for gaming in general.
- Play remotely with non-family members if you can, or six feet apart if you can’t. There are several distance gaming options, including dedicated platforms and video conferencing/chat software. Playing in person is obviously not ideal and probably only feasible if you have two players at opposite ends of a table.
- Sanitize high-touch areas like the gaming table and book covers before and after the game. COVID-19 can survive on cardboard for up to 24 hours.
- Don’t share food or drink. This means players need to bring their own food.
- Do not share dice or miniatures. COVID-19 can survive on plastic for up to 72 hours.
- Don’t share rulebooks or other materials. COVID-19 can survive on cardboard for 24 hours.
- And of course, clean everything before and after the game.
These recommendations are made with the full acknowledgement that there is significant financial risk in canceling plans—but they must be weighed against the lives they may save. We’ve attached an infographic for easy reference.

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